Thursday, February 7, 2013


  -  for our furry child Otto

These dog biscuits are some that Otto loves.  Just to be clear, Otto loves anything you feed him, except for celery and lettuce.  So the fact that he devoured these was not surprising.  But it did make me feel good that he likes the biscuits I made specially for him.
The recipe can be found at

Otto is so freaking funny.  All you have to say is “Otto, you want some biscuits?”  He licks his lips and runs to kitchen quicker than a flash of lightning.   His favorite food-related words are ‘eat, cheese, biscuits and treats.’  He also is a big fan of ‘play, walk and daddy’s home.’  Such a goofy dog!  ;-)
So if you are into making homemade dog biscuits for your four-legged friend/child, I would recommend these to try.

Here are some of the pics of me making them and Otto greedily eating them.

This pic is of biscuits from a different recipe that is barbeque flavored.